Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Successfully uploaded 3 videos to blip.tv

So after some trouble, I finally got all three of my group's videos uploaded to blip.tv. Word to the wise: you must compress the videos if you want to put them online. My videos were about 250mb in their original format, but after I compressed them, they were in the much more manageable 20-60mb range. Anyways, I would advise everyone to upload their videos so you can show your friends and family why you didn't sleep last weekend.


Jared Bargiel said...

Sup man! Checked out the videos...great stuff, seriously. I thought the story ideas for each were really interesting I found so many things I liked about each piece, from certain shots and framing techniques right down to the editing itself (I know a saw a few really solid matches on action in there!). Anyway, looks like you guys did a terrific job. Wish I could have been there to lend a hand and learn right alongside you. Can't wait to see everyone else's work.

Jared Bargiel said...

Yo, it's me again. Just wanted to let you know I went and checked out your latest video/final project today. In all honesty, had I not known you from this class, I would venture to guess that you had been dong video work like this for years now. I thought it was a really polished piece, and could definitely beat out the majority (if not all) of those crappy videos we showed off during our presentations throughout the semester. The shot composition is great, the editing is well-paced, and the audio doesn't suck, so I'd say with those three qualifications in place you came out with a pretty successful piece in the end. Great job man...