Monday, March 31, 2008

April's Fools

I'm very excited about tomorrow (April Fool's day) because every year Google puts out some sort of crazy hoax that is just too funny to be true.

Alas, I am still awaiting the installation of my TiSP (toilet internet service provider). Not to mention waiting to get my Gmail Paper with all of my gmail conversations printed and shipped to my apartment in a large box.

But I guess I will just have to wait some more. In the meantime, I think I will go superglue a quarter to a sidewalk. With vending machine's charging $1.25 for drinks now, the quarter has regained some of its value! (that, and there's always the laundromats...)

1 comment:

sguevara said...

I actually believed that for 67 seconds....yup, I'm gullible