Friday, March 28, 2008

Blog Book...Yippy!

So, I was at the university bookstore just the other day and found a book on blogs in the bargain book section. Now, if you're like me and simply must scoop up any deal that happens to be advertised (yeah, I'll admit that I'm an advertiser's jackpot...impulse buyer all the way) you will understand that I bought Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That's Changing Your World by Hugh Hewitt (I mean come was like $2) and 5 other books as well. I fully intend to read this book when I get the free time...don't know when that will be...but hey! at least i made the effort to buy it and call it my own.

Anywho...thought it was relevant and interesting...didn't know if any of you had heard of it or not...

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