Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gannet launches web design

Many of you, Beth especially, will be glad to hear that Gannett has launched their new web design (at least for the Courier-Journal.com). It is a lot more simple, balanced and easy to read. It's definitely something to look at for a before and after effect.


sguevara said...

wow, what a difference!

Beth Cooper said...

thanks for the post allison! and I really like the new layout...i especially like the way they do their videos now (i think it's like the newspaper that our guest speaker was from...sorry can't remember eithers' names) with the related stories attached and linked next to the video...very effective and more organized. Although, still a lot of adds...maybe it's just me, but flashing and moving crap just really bothers me...pretty sure i'm not alone in that one.

Jared Bargiel said...

Yeah I definitely have to say the site looks pretty good. The ads, as Beth mentioned, can still prove to be somewhat bothersome and distracting, but I think the web designers did a fairly respectable job of creating a new layout that works rather well for its purposes, especially considering how much content there is on the home page alone. The little video/photo/blog/forum sidebar seems like a pretty efficient way to keep all of their multimedia goods nice and tidy as well. Good stuff, good stuff...