Friday, February 22, 2008

Polaroid's New Inkless Printer

As sad as I am about the discontinuation of Instant Polaroid Cameras and Film -- actually, I'm REALLY sad about that, Polaroid has invented a new inkless printer that is also mobile and portable. You can send your pictures from your digital camera or your cell phone if you have bluetooth. The photos are "virtually indestructable," according to the promoter. America is finally stepping up, since something like this has already been in Japan and Korea many years ago. As cool as this is, I'm skeptical about the quality of the printer, and I'm still sad about there being no more Polaroids in the future.

Here's the video.


Krista Franks said...

That is really neat. I hadn't seen that printer before. I was surprised by how small it is. When you said portable, I still wasn't picturing something so small. I am sad that there won't be anymore plaroid cameras either, but I am excited about the printer.

Jake Daniels said...

That was freaking awesome. In a weird and geeky way.