Thursday, January 17, 2008

I just had to...

Just out of curiosity, I checked Wikipedia for "multimedia journalism." While I found nothing directly related, I did find a page about the Berkeley program that Sara wrote about. Hey, if they have their own Wikipedia page, we should have one too!

That aside, I was checking out the Berkeley page, and I found a tutorial called "What is a Multimedia Story?" that has tips about what sort of stories make good multimedia projects, how to make storyboards and what equipment a journalist needs to do multimedia fieldwork.


Jared Bargiel said...

While I had posted earlier about all the bad qualities associated with shooting on miniDV tape, you simply can't deny how inexpensive the medium is compared to the quality of the final product it's capable of delivering. Regardless of whether or not we're gradually switching over to a fully tapeless means of recording video, the one great quality about shooting on miniDV is the ability to simply keep the camera set to record mode and wait for that perfect shot/take to occur without worry of wasting precious film or money in the process...

Jake Daniels said...

Talking about Berkeley, I guess I should just point out that, while we certainly don't mess around, there are a bunch of 8th graders at The Walker School who have made documentary films about various topics.

I'm not saying they're all great or anything -- I hate starting anything off by asking a question, for example, or using Creed as audio backdrop for oil spills, not to mention that I think they're shockwave, which seems to be a pain to load up -- but there are some little buggers out there who sort of beat us to the punch, so to say.

Mark E. Johnson said...

We can explore Wikipedia, bring it up in class.