Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Introductory Piece

My name is Hyunah Oh, and I'm a 3rd year student pursuing a dual degree in publication management with an emphasis in photo journalism and speech communication. I plan to work for a fashion magazine. More specifically I want to be an art director of one, but if that doesn't work out, I might just go into law.

I really, really enjoyed the photo journalism course from last semester. I love taking photos and collecting different/unique cameras.
I'm taking this class because I was kind of put into it by the department. To be honest I wanted to take the documentary course; however, I'm looking forward to learning about multimedia. It's something I've never tried and should know. Sooo I guess I'll learn as we go. We are guinea pigs after all...


sguevara said...

I'm intrigued....what kind of unique camera bodies do you have?

Sydney H. Oh said...

I mean. They're not that unique, but I bet the average college student wouldn't buy one.
Like Yashica Mats or polaroid cameras that produce credit card size photos. And then I really like lomo cameras. I have the super sampler and fisheye. Cameras like that. They're not like crazy unique. hehe