Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Source to practice video publishing

I searched YouTube for multimedia journalism and I found a multimedia journalism project that students in Texas did. The video will make you a little seasick, but it reminded me of our discussion about how the Red & Black is not doing video journlism yet. If UGA adopts a Web site based on the Tennessee Journalist site, this would be a great means of training students to do video and other multimedia work for the Red & Black. It was mentioned in class that the Red & Black is really good for students in the job market, and I think that the volunteer-run, anybody-can-do-it site would allow students to practice these skills, post them, and be able to learn the skills to apply to the Red & Black (especially if the Red & Black is worried that posting badly done videos may hinder its reputation).

As our guest speaker, Jim Stoval, said, some of the video content on the Tennessee Journalist site is just students experimenting. He even admitted that not everything was good, but that it was great that the students were at least trying and experimenting and figuring things out for themselves. The example he showed really conveys this point.

1 comment:

Krista Franks said...

I think you made some good points. Since the Red and Black has not focused much on video and multimedia journalism, why not let someone else try it out? I think it is something you have to learn by doing it, and I think it would be a really good opportunity for students to have a sight like Tennessee has. I don't think it has to be something that would compete with the Red and Black necessarily. Students look to the Red and Black for their print product, and this could be something completely different.