Friday, January 18, 2008

From one thing to another ...

Okay, so I've really been getting into designing and making a Web site, and one thing I noticed was that the program I've been using has the ability to create sites/slide shows/basically-anything-you'd-really-want which can be sent via MMS, a descendant of SMS, and, yes, I will explain those.
र्गुना उन्न्फ़ ज्न्फ़ एव्तुग.
SMS, according to our dear friend Wiki, stands for "short messaging system" -- what we think of as basic text messaging. This led to the newer version, MMS, "multimedia messaging service." While SMS is just text, MMS is capable of sending video, photos and audio, as well as text. It's all lower quality than what one can get via a half-decent laptop, but it's also quicker and more readily accessible.

One use -- real estate agents can now use MMS to send virtual tours to peoples' phones. Another -- Pizza Hut is now letting people order via text message or mobile web. The New York Times does it, too, as does the Washington Post and the LA Times.

Now, back to the Web.

1 comment:

Anon said...

I'm all for the advancement of technology, but I just can't wrap my head around text messaging to order a pizza. I'm just positive that if I don't actually talk to someone, my order is bound to get screwed up.