Friday, January 18, 2008

ted and boogie
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. This is more in the IDEO train of thought, not so directly multimedia related - every year there's a TED conference where a diverse group of amazing people come and give talks on really cool ideas and this website has videos of all of them, fo' free! Speakers have included Chris Anderson(editor of WIRED), Jane Goodall, Bono, Richard Dawkins, & lots of people who aren't famous but maybe should be.

This is hard to explain with words. It's the website of a guy who does lots of intense documentary photography of people in urban settings. There's photos from NYC, Tokyo, Brazil, Cuba & other places, but they're all black & white, and the more arresting ones depict marginalized people living gritty urban lives. The main thing that amazes me is how he got access to all these places and got his subjects' trust - there's gang members, drug addicts, prostitutes... he just hangs out with them and takes pictures. here's an audio slideshow where he narrates about what was going on in a few shots. Side note, the audio thing isn't completely G-rated, and some photos on the site are kind of hard to look at as well.

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