Thursday, January 10, 2008

Introductory Piece

Hello...Hi, well, my name is Beth Cooper. I'm from the great speeding trap and cultural melting pot of Georgia. That would be Pendergrass, Ga. if you couldn't guess (I had faith, but I thought you might need a hint). Um, I'm taking this class because 1) it will (hopefully) give me an edge in selling myself to potential internship opportunities, employers, etc., 2) I need, I repeat, need to become more computer literate (I have procrastinated for far too long regarding technologies and such. Clinging to my computer retardedness, if you will,  is no longer a valid excuse I've learned - despite the fact that digital really scares me for some reason), and 3) although I hate the whole tedious process of learning new things and being an extremely slow learner, I think that this class will be one of the very few that will make me feel like I've really accomplished something and created something, well, creative and all my own, oh and I almost forgot 4) it catapult me (against my will) into the 21st century (I know - korny - but give me a break, ok?)  

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